How to look after your hair in winter

How to look after your hair in winter

Our hair doesn’t need a lot from us, keep it clean and brushed and give it the occasional trim and it is quite happy. However, the weather can take its toll on your hair, drying it out, making it brittle and causing it to go frizzy and straw-like.

What is the best way to combat the effects of the cold on your hair? There are several things that you can do:

Use good quality shampoo and conditioners, and follow conventional wisdom, such as not brushing hair when it is wet and instead use a wide-toothed comb. This will ensure that your hair is clean, smells great, is afforded some protection from the high-quality products, and is detangled rather than damagingly stretched.

hair tools

What is the best way to combat the effects of the cold on your hair?

There are several things that you can do:

Use good quality shampoo and conditioners, and follow conventional wisdom, such as not brushing hair when it is wet and instead use a wide-toothed comb. This will ensure that your hair is clean, smells great, is afforded some protection from the high-quality products, and is detangled rather than damagingly stretched.

woman washing hair with a shampoo

What is the best way to combat the effects of the cold on your hair?

There are several things that you can do:

Use good quality shampoo and conditioners, and follow conventional wisdom, such as not brushing hair when it is wet and instead use a wide-toothed comb. This will ensure that your hair is clean, smells great, is afforded some protection from the high-quality products, and is detangled rather than damagingly stretched.

But perhaps the best way to look after your hair in winter is to keep it covered up and physically protected from the elements. Hats and head-scarves are great, but it can be annoying to have to constantly put these on and take them off, plus hats are no friend to careful hairstyles.

woman with braided hair

Braids, buns and twists are neat, elegant and have the benefit of keeping a large proportion of your hair protected. You do not have to feel like a school-girl or boy with plain black or silver clips. Fashion jewelleries, such as jewelled clasps and clips look stunning against clean hair and can draw the eye to your crowning attraction, emphasising an intricate braid or swirl.

Opt for clips and grips that feature rhinestones, cubic zirconia or Swarovski crystals for an affordable but opulent diamant look. The differences between these stones are subtle, rhinestones (no longer found in the Rhine) are made with a crystal glass recipe with metals added, Swarovski crystals are glass cut in a special manner by a patented machine, and cubic zirconia are basically artificial diamonds but heavier and very much cheaper than the real thing.

"Follow these simple steps and your hair will thank you this winter."

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